Friday, 30 January 2015

Peer Review

After watching everyone's final projects on Wednesday, we were asked to review an animation of our choice. I have decided to review the animation "The Circle of Life" by Caitlin, Lois and Caroline. The girls unfortunately couldn't get the music or sounds to play on their video on the day and were understandably saddened by this. However, they tackled this issue and overcame it. They had the music playing through their phone as their animation was shown on screen. Although background noise could be heard on their sound clip, it was barely noticeable. 

On the opening sequence, a popular song could be heard; this was 'Send me on my way' by Rusted Root. I love this song and it made me excited for the animation to start. After the title sequence we saw the first and main character of the animation. It was a baby crawling across the floor of the screen and out of shot, a little boy then returned playing football and I could see straight away what the animation would entail. We saw the boy going through all stages of his life, meeting his wife, having a baby, growing old and passing away. It then showed his son and prompted the circle of his life too.

My only critique of the animation is that although the story is clear, the contemporary issue doesn't seem to be. However, it is clear that a lot of planning, time and effort went into this animation and I think it paid off as it stuck in my head.

The animation is available to watch here:

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