Monday 26 January 2015

The impact of an ICT rich learning environment

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." 
- Arthur C. Clarke

ICT stands for Information and Communications technology. It is an umbrella term for technological devices such as computers, mobile phones, televisions, etc (Rouse, M. 2005). ICT is becoming more and more important and involved in education settings as our education system is developing.

There's no denying how useful ICT is within a learning environment and there are many reasons for this. The main reason being the fact that we are all becoming reliant on technology, with computer skills being an incredibly valuable proficiency to possess. ICT knowledge is required in most lines of work these days so it is useful to know how to use a computer and it's programmes. It is also useful to know how to effectively use ICT in preparation for A levels and higher education due to the amount of work that needs to be created through ICT equipment, devices and programmes. It is also important to know how to use these things to gain access and effectively use the internet. Not everyone has the same access to equipment and resources so it is beneficial for schools to provide their students with ICT as it gives them all the opportunity to gain knowledge, skills and experience with this important technology and offers everyone the same chances.

It is recognised that every individual has their own preferred learning style. Learning styles are seven groups of  different ways that people tend to learn to their best ability (, 2005). I believe that it is important to venture and learn through and with technology as this type of learning could benefit certain students as opposed to them sitting in class and copying down what their teacher is saying. Some people learn more effectively when they are having fun and actively getting involved in their lesson and ICT is an opportunity to do this.

A downside of ICT rich learning environments is that they tend to be costly on the education system. Using technology as a way or method of teaching is still relatively new and therefore costs quite a lot of money and some could argue that this money could be better spent. Another critique of an ICT rich learning environment is that although ICT skills are improving, they could hinder the students literacy and numeracy skills. 

To conclude, I believe that ICT rich learning environments are a great idea and way of learning due to the new skills and experiences students can pick up which could be of use in later life as well as the present. However, I think that traditional learning is still important as we always need to improve on basic skills such as numeracy, literacy and simple skills such as handwriting which can't be done through a computer screen. (2005). Overview of Learning Styles. Available: Last accessed 25/01/2015.

Rouse, M (2005). ICT (information and communications technology - or technologies). Available: Last accessed 25/01/2015.

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